5 press release ideas for small businesses in the new school term

Originally written by Simran Ghata-Aura on Small Business
With the start of the new school term, there are many different PR avenues for you to venture down.
Here are five key press release ideas to help with your marketing strategy.
School clothing, accessories and products
Parents will be replenishing their children’s school stock in preparation for the new school term. Now is a great time to get your brand name out to parents who have left their shopping until later.
Have you recently released a new collection of school backpacks or have any two-for-one promotions on school sportswear? Do you have a stationery business? Make sure you mention any new launches, releases and promotions in a press release. Ask the titles that you’re targeting if they’re doing any product round-ups.
Healthy school lunches
Dietary health for children in a growing concern. One of the key challenges is making healthy food interesting, exciting and tasty so that children can maintain a nutritious diet.
This could present an opportunity if your business advocates healthy school lunches. You could promote a new kitchen gadget to make fruit and veg more interesting in packed lunches or launch healthy snacks for parents to give their children.
What’s more, the number of vegan and vegetarians


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