Where to get support when starting a new business

Originally written by Partner Content on Small Business
Setting up a new business is hard. And it can often feel like you’re doing it all on your own. If you have an employee or two along for the ride, it can still feel like you’re expected to have all the answers, and quickly. Surely you deserve a little support.
The good news is that you don’t have to go it alone. There are plenty of places you can find extra help, whether it be financial support, industry experience, or just a shoulder to lean on. Here are our top ways to get as much support as you can during your early days and beyond.
Scout out financial support
When you’re just beginning to put together your own business there can be a lot of costs to manage, and sometimes your cash doesn’t stretch quite as far as you’d like. But you don’t have to go on Dragon’s Den to get additional financial support – as a new start-up or small business there are several government grants specifically put in place to help you, particularly during your first year. Unlike business loans, you don’t have to pay grants back, and the good news is that


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