Global Intellect Service Celebrates 2017 Results

Global Intellect Service creates innovative products for attracting and retaining customers. The referral marketing program used by the company serves as an alternative to the traditional advertising.
Its flagship product called UDS Game App gains love and loyalty of entrepreneurs and mobiles users around the world.
According to the company press release:
At times the best partners of the company are invited to attend events where they proudly share and discuss their targets, business plans and accomplishments and also get rewarded for their contributions to the development and success of the company.
A couple of significant events such as Grand Meeting of the Directors and the Rewards Ceremony will take place from 3  5 February 2018 in Moscow (Russia).
February 3, 2018, Grand Meeting of the Directors.
At least once in our lives we dreamed of being a part of royal or noble family. The Rockefeller spirits, the charms of the Rothschield dynasty, chick suits and ladies’ superb dresses…It sounds quite tempting, isn’t it?
This idea inspired us to hold a GRAND MEETING OF THE DIRECTORS in one of the most luxury venue of Moscow which is LOFT #2 and turn our guests into the most powerful barons of the XIX century.  Grand Meeting of the Directors is


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