Interview With Top Leader Miguel de Oliveira – Jeunesse

With 10+ years experience in Network Marketing, Miguel de Oliveira is a true believer of simpleness, personal relationships and hard work.
He started in his first MLM business at the age of 28, and throughout the years he learned the basics and secrets of Multi Level Marketing which helped him to get to the top.
In his current company Jeunesse everything started with a phone call: in October 2014 while enjoying the Portuguese sunshine in his hometown Porto, Portugal he got a call from a friend in Los Angeles and he got invited to a dinner in Macau, China.
Along with 14,000 Asian distributors Miguel participated Jeunesse EXPO5 Convention and realized the perfect momentum: Jeunesse was just getting started in Europe. He joined immediately and after 2.5 years he has 50,000+ distributors in 50+ countries in his downline.
Ted Nuyten has the honor to interview Miquel:
Miguel, what did you do before Network Marketing?
I always wanted to be free, so I never had a normal job. Before I joined my first network business, I had a rock’n’roll band. I always loved rock’n’roll music since I was 3-4 years old, and I started a band when I was 18. We became very popular in Portugal fast,


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