Top Earner John Haremza Generic Webinar

At the GoPro convention in Las Vegas, USA I had a meeting with Direct Selling industry icon John Haremza. 
After 27 years and $16,000,000 in Life Time Earnings, John is even more enthusiastic about network marketing.  As John often says, “Network marketing changed my life beyond my wildest imagination”. 
Remember that he started his working career on an assembly line at the “Barrel of Fun” potato chip plant in Perham, Minnesota, encumbered by an invisible disability.
Due to severe Dyslexia, which was unknown back then, John could not read.  The thing that distinguishes John from so many “experts” in our field is that he is a real leader, leading from the trenches.  Everything John talks about he uses every day  ,,, recruiting, leading and training.
When he was introduced to network marketing his


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