MLM Attorney Kevin Thompson: Why The USA MLM Industry Has Really Slowed Down

Kevin Tompson, The MLM Attorney stated on his Facebook:

“I have a few random, unorganized thoughts about why the industry has really slowed down the past couple of years.”

Here they go.
Incompetent Owners:
There’s a lack of executives in the space with real business intelligence. Yes, there are some good ones (obviously). There are too many companies that are started up on shoe string budgets, they project an image of having it together, and then implode on the first signs of stress. And as an organization grows (if it grows), stress between the field and marketplace are inevitable.
In the old days, if people wanted extra income, they had limited options. It was either invest gobs of money for advanced training (education), or sell stuff. Now, they can deliver sandwiches and earn a few hundred dollars a month. The impact of the gig economy is real.
There’s always been a perennial debate in our business on what works better: selling part-time income or “the dream.” It turns out there’s an enormous market of people that just want to earn a little extra scratch. They could care less about big money.
Incompetent Owners (again):
Too many owners cut deals to draw networkers from other companies only to turn


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