Monthly Archives: July 2024

Sumi Gurung Achieves Life-Changing Success at QuiAri

QuiAri Super Star Promoter, Sumi Gurung from India can say without any doubt that joining the Network Marketing Industry changed her life. It was only 7 years ago that she gave up her successful career in the Fashion Industry to stay home and take care of her children.
The Direct Sales Industry provided Sumi with the flexibility, freedom, and extra income needed to give her kids the life they deserved – and more. The last several years have been the most exciting and lucrative in Sumi’s MLM journey. Ever since she joined QuiAri her future has never been brighter.
“QuiAri was the best decision of my life! I originally joined because I loved their breakthrough products, but as a Promoter, the experience has been life-changing. I’m getting the global recognition I deserve, my confidence has grown, and I’ve climbed the ranks ridiculously fast.
As a Super Star Promoter, I’m closer to my dreams than ever, and my children are very proud of me. As much as I enjoy getting paid 5 minutes after every sale, having their respect and admiration is priceless. At QuiAri, I feel comfortable planning for the long-term and building a legacy that my children and future grandchildren can


Open Letter to Direct Sales Industry From Jeff Olson – CEO of Neora

A concerning trend has emerged in the direct selling space over the past year.
Some companies, including Rodan and Fields, are abandoning the network marketing business model and moving to an entirely affiliate model, or a combination retail/affiliate model.
Other significant companies, like Beauty Counter, have closed their doors.  
Regardless of the business reason driving these decisions, one thing is certain: the leaders who have helped to grow these companies are the ones who are suffering.
For those who have spent years building their business with the expectation that they were securing a foundation for their families, this is, in my opinion, the ultimate betrayal.
Further, these poor decisions have the potential to create unneeded fear and uncertainty about the channel and what its future looks like. 
The truth is that the market dynamics of how people want to shop and work have never been more in our favor.
The industry is being challenged to adapt to current times by providing both a stellar customer experience at all touch points as well as offering a compensation plan that aligns to what entrepreneurs are seeking.
And from where I sit, this means having a plan that is based not on games, gotchas and