Monthly Archives: June 2024

Lorena Gil Garza Hits Elite Rank of Super Star in only five months at Velovita®

Velovita® kicked off its 4th Anniversary in Torreón, Mexico, with a bang and concrete plans to take its Global Brand to the next level.
After launching new state-of-the-art mobile app features, announcing its expansion into China, and an epic promo where Members can earn more volume than ever, it’s no wonder Velovita® Members are more fired up than ever. Lorena Gil Garza is a true testament to Velovita’s thriving success.  
After hitting the coveted elite rank of Rock Star in her first month, Lorena showed no signs of slowing down. Just four (4) short months after hitting Rock Star, she met her goal of reaching Super Star, the second-highest elite rank in the Company. To say this is a remarkable achievement is an understatement. 
Lorena’s keys to success? 


Kosta Gara, the Company’s CEO, had this to say about Lorena’s significant milestone. 
“I’m very proud of Lorena for taking massive action from day one and setting her sights on hitting the top ranks not just for herself but also bringing her leadership to the top.
Velovita® is very lucky to have her as one of our global leaders.”  – Kosta Gara
What are Lorena’s plans moving forward?
“I plan to continue to grow and build with this


Celebrating GOVVI’s 2nd Birthday: A Journey of Remarkable Achievements

This morning, in the heart of Salt Lake City, Utah, e-commerce company GOVVI celebrated its second birthday.
Members of GOVVI’s executive team, corporate team, and Influencers from around the globe streamed this event live and shared their amazing journey, highlighted impressive achievements, and even shared new enhancements, improvements and new 24-hour limited offerings.
A Revenue Milestone to Remember
One of the most striking achievements in GOVVI’s journey is surpassing the $30 million revenue mark. This remarkable financial performance is a testament to the company’s strong market presence and successful business strategy. From the very beginning, GOVVI has demonstrated a keen understanding of market dynamics and consumer needs, driving substantial growth and setting a high standard for new enterprises in the wellness industry.
Building an Influencer Network of Over 55,000
A key driver of GOVVI’s success has been its extensive and dynamic influencer network. With over 55,000 influencers, GOVVI has effectively leveraged social media and digital platforms to promote its products. This diverse network has been instrumental in reaching a wide range of demographics and expanding the company’s footprint across various markets. The influencers’ authentic endorsements and genuine enthusiasm for GOVVI’s products have played a crucial role in building trust and loyalty among consumers. 
Expanding into


Top Leaders From South Korea, Pak Hong Yol, and Jang Mi-Ae Join QuiAri

Like most married couples, QuiAri Promoters Pak Hong Yol (Peter), and Jang Mi-Ae (Michelle) from South Korea loved to dream about their future. However, before their introduction to Network Marketing they couldn’t find the right opportunity to make their big dreams come true.
Peter and Michelle even tried starting their own business, which only left them disappointed and further away from their goals. Most people would have given up, but Peter and Michelle  refused to quit. Ultimately, Peter and Michelle discovered a better, faster path to success – Network Marketing – and have since enjoyed decades of success. They have now joined the many top industry leaders flocking to QuiAri to be part of the next MLM revolution.
“There are countless reasons to love Network Marketing, but the most exciting aspect is how it gives average people the opportunity to live an extraordinary lifestyle. Like many Promoters, we tried to achieve success through traditional methods.
Michelle was a teacher, and I was an entrepreneur. We even ventured into the restaurant business, but that only left us frustrated and further away from our dreams. Despite the setback, we worked hard and never gave up hope.
It was Network Marketing that helped get


Industry Icon Randy Schroeder Joins Start-Up Nelo Life

Nelo life is a company which paid out in their first months $500,000 in commissions, which is a remarkable achievement for a start-up.
Randy Schroeder has long been known as being among the elite leaders and builders in the direct selling world, with career commissions earned well in excess of $45 million.
Randy Schroeder said:

Why Nelo Life? At this point in my career, I can see with clarity that much of my success has been owing to the fact that I am by nature, a persuader.
For over three decades, I have persuaded others that the fundamental principles governing network marketing are superior to the principles which govern conventional business.

Schroeder continued:
For a season of my career, I persuaded others that using a non prescription alternative to statin drugs for cholesterol reduction would be a good thing to do. For a season of my career I persuaded others of the reasons to use and consume the acai berry for its high anti oxident values. And for a season I persuaded others that non psycho active cannabis products have health benefit.
Because I am by nature a persuader, all of the above has been relatively easy for me. And yet, for so many (way