Monthly Archives: June 2024

Driving Innovation: Chad and Nattida Chong Assume Key Roles at ByDzyne

ByDzyne celebrates its 5th anniversary with a strategic shift as co-founders Chad and Nattida Chong step into pivotal roles set to propel the company forward and redefine industry standards.
Chad will now serve as Co-Founder and Chief of Corporate Strategy, while Nattida takes on the mantle of Co-Founder and Chief of Creative Strategy. This monumental move marks a significant milestone in ByDzyne’s journey, reflecting the company’s unwavering commitment to innovation and growth.
The Chongs, celebrated entrepreneurs revered for their strategic expertise, have played a vital role in ByDzyne’s meteoric rise. Together, they have forged a legacy of entrepreneurial triumph and an unwavering drive for innovation. From achieving their initial million-dollar milestone in their twenties, their journey has been a testament to boundless energy, unyielding passion, and an insatiable vow to push industry boundaries.

In his new capacity, Chad will spearhead ByDzyne’s global corporate strategy, streamlining sales management and driving international expansion. His expertise will be pivotal in establishing strategic alliances, advancing product innovation, and leveraging data analytics to capitalize on emerging market trends.
In doing so, Chad plans to gain deeper insights into customer behavior, sales trends, and competitive intelligence, enabling ByDzyne to optimize sales processes, make informed decisions, and uncover new


Impulsando la innovación: Chad y Nattida Chong asumen funciones clave en ByDzyne

ByDzyne celebra su 5º aniversario con un cambio estratégico en el que los cofundadores Chad y Nattida Chong asumen funciones clave para impulsar la empresa y redefinir los estándares del sector.
Chad será ahora cofundador y director de estrategia corporativa, mientras que Nattida asumirá el cargo de cofundadora y directora de estrategia creativa. Este movimiento monumental marca un hito importante en la trayectoria de ByDzyne y refleja el compromiso inquebrantable de la empresa con la innovación y el crecimiento.
Los Chong, célebres empresarios venerados por su experiencia estratégica, han desempeñado un papel vital en el meteórico ascenso de ByDzyne. Juntos, han forjado un legado de triunfo empresarial y un impulso inquebrantable por la innovación. Desde que lograron su primer hito de un millón de dólares a los veinte años, su trayectoria ha sido testimonio de una energía sin límites, una pasión inquebrantable y una insaciable voluntad de superar los límites del sector.
En su nuevo cargo, Chad encabezará la estrategia corporativa global de ByDzyne, racionalizando la gestión de ventas e impulsando la expansión internacional. Su experiencia será fundamental para establecer alianzas estratégicas, liderar la innovación de productos y aprovechar el análisis de datos para capitalizar las nuevas tendencias del mercado.
De este


iGenius UNITE European Convention in Düsseldorf, Germany

Last weekend iGenius hosted its UNITE European Convention at the Mitsubishi Electric Halle in Düsseldorf, Germany. Thousands of members and prospects came from around the world to unite together. 
Attendees learned valuable skills from a variety of speakers with different backgrounds. The speakers provided valuable training on entrepreneurship, marketing, sales, and professional development.
Many of the iGenius market educators spoke and trained on what it takes to become a self-directed investor. Top sales trainer, Daniel G, motivated attendees to develop their sales skills and start dreaming bigger. 
iGenius Senior Director of Sales, Christian Crabtree said,
“This event was life-changing for those in attendance. The tremendous amount of planning and preparation really paid off.
I look forward to the next several months to watch how these trainings will positively affect iGenius members.” 

iGenius President, Chad Garner said, 
“The value of our products and services continues to grow. We invited our members to come together and unite to create a global community of support.
That community is stronger than ever before. It was great to meet so many new people and see firsthand the impact our platform can have on so many lives.”
iGenius Crown Leader, Tino Taupe said,
“This was the best event the company has ever hosted.


Neora Wins Excellence in Business Award from Direct Selling Association

Neora recently received the Excellence in Business Award from the Direct Selling Association (DSA) for its Preferred Customer Program.
According to DSA, a national trade association of companies that offers entrepreneurial opportunities to independent sellers, the Excellence in Business Award honors companies that feature a specific program or tool that enhances training and contributes to the success of a salesforce and staff.
Neora’s Preferred Customer Program was created to drive growth, retention and satisfaction by rewarding loyal customers with exceptional perks and discounts, including 25% off revolutionary, anti-aging products, free shipping on orders exceeding $150, a complimentary full-sized product during a customer’s birthday month, $10 referral coupons, and more. 
“This prestigious award highlights our commitment to providing a world-class experience for our customers and community,” Neora Co-CEO Deborah K. Heisz said. “We are so proud.”
Making Customers Happy
With nearly 80% of Neora’s sales generated from Preferred Customers, providing outstanding customer service and a personalized experience is essential. Neora recently upgraded its Preferred Customer Rewards to offer even more perks, offers and discounts to honor loyal customers for their support. 
Some of these newer additions include the Birthday Club, where Preferred Customers receive a complimentary full-sized product during their birthday month. This perk proved so


Porch Pirates Stole 119 Million Packages From Doorsteps Last Year Alone. Here's What You Can Do to Make Sure This Doesn't Happen to Your Customers.

The rapid growth of ecommerce, fueled by the pandemic, has increased opportunities for “porch pirates” who target packages left on doorsteps, impacting both consumer confidence and business finances. This rise in theft underscores the need for effective security measures — read on for some suggestions from my 17 years in the industry.