Ray Higdon: How To Reduce Frustration And Drive Massive Duplication

Hi my name is Ray Higdon and before I was ever a coach or trainer I was the number one income earner in my network marketing company. I know what it’s like to be in the field, have experienced momentum as well as it’s opposite. Before jumping into my tips, I want to talk about the difference in technique and concept – both of which we teach in Rank Makers.
I wrote a book called Freakishly Effective Leadership for Network Marketers that has helped a lot of 6,7 and 8 figure earners in Network Marketing and today want to share some practical steps on how to accomplish what the title of this article suggests.

How to reduce frustration.

Frustration is you feel you should be somewhere that you feel you are not. Frustration is never helpful. Typically, you fall into comparing yourself with others or even with where you used to be, IF where you used to be seemed better than where you currently are. Frustration should be an alarm bell that you are not focused on where you are going and instead are causing yourself harm and damage and you need to shake it off!

You can control frustration. You can control your


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