Unraveling iGenius Impressive 2022 Revenue Growth

iGenius, a renowned network marketing company, has been creating waves of opportunities for individuals seeking financial prosperity. The company’s remarkable 2022 revenue of $70 million presents a glimpse of their potential.
Though not guaranteeing any specific amount, it’s worth noting that up to 65% of this sum could have been awarded as commission. Joining iGenius opens doors to a promising path, but success may vary for each individual.
iGenius in numbers
The performance of iGenius in 2022 was noteworthy, with a

Revenue of $70,000,000. This reflects the company’s strong presence and success in the market. It is also commendable that
iGenius can pay out $45 million in commissions
The compensation plan 65%.

This demonstrates the company’s commitment to rewarding its members and incentivizing their efforts.
Furthermore, iGenius has received a Business for Home Rating of AAA+ The Top rank, placing it among the top-performing companies in the industry. This recognition underscores iGenius’ credibility and reputation within the market. In fact, iGenius is ranked second according to the Business for Home Rank, further solidifying its position as a highly regarded company. For more information about iGenius’ ranking, please visit their rank page.
To learn more about iGenius, you can visit their company page on Business for Home. Additionally, if you are interested in


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