GO Global recently hosted a live online masterclass with over 10,000 people in attendance that featured network marketing professionals Eric Worre and Marina Worre. With over two decades of experience in the industry, the dynamic duo shared valuable insights and strategies to help individuals become more successful at closing sales calls.
The webinar covered various tips and techniques that can help individuals “close like a pro” and develop a simple and strategic approach to generating sales.
“I believe that attending the webinar with Eric and Marina Worre is essential for anyone who wants to take their business to the next level.
Their strategies and techniques have helped countless individuals achieve their financial and personal goals, and I have no doubt that those who attended the webinar will greatly benefit from their expertise.”
said CEO Nader Poordeljoo.
Some of the points covered included the importance and examples of asking the right questions, understanding and rating a prospect’s level of interest and being able to have a clear understanding of their overall goals. In addition, each topic included specific examples and strategies to help everyone, ‘close like a pro.’
Eric and Marina Worre
“We are so excited to introduce our GO Learn educational platform and believe it