Monthly Archives: April 2023

Rachel Kellogg Vice President Of Beyond Slim Speaks Out

We have all heard the term “ground floor opportunity” too many times to count. Unfortunately, in our industry it has become a metaphorical carrot dangled far too often, tied to the promise of a “once in a lifetime opportunity.”
That phrase, wrapped in dreams and diamonds has created a frenzy over and over again, causing distributors to jump in and sprint toward the hope of getting their big break. If you are anything like me, you’re completely over it.
We see distributors flocking toward the newest ground floor opportunity because if the company does become the next giant; the next big thing; the next legacy company, it will be worth it.
We all know those who got in at the beginning are not just rolling in the money either, they have stature, influence, and power. The culture is built and the standards are set when the company is young.
We would all love a seat at that table, but the problem is not every ground floor opportunity becomes a great one. The reality is tha only about half will even make it, and about 3% of those will take their place next to the giants like Amway, Mary Kay, NuSkin etc.
So, the race for that