Monthly Archives: March 2023

Arieyl Bold Statements At The Rockstar Rising Convention

“We have given you everything. I promised we would make your lives easier. We got the app, the Look Book, Rock for Free, the Audition. I said you could attract and retain your customers.
We have the Subscription, new products, VIPs now have referral links. I said I would help you make more money and we made it easier to rank up, elevated QV, VIP royalty residuals. It’s now up to YOU. We’ve given you all the tools, it’s now for you.”,
said Kristen Butler, co-CEO of Arieyl, on February 12th at the close of their second annual convention, Rockstar Rising 2023.
Bold statement but, coming from leaders consistently pushing the envelope in what can and should be done for those in the network marketing industry, it’s certainly a refreshing sign of what’s to come.
Arieyl’s convention weekend unleashed new ways of not only successfully running a team but also attracting others who caught the vision long ago but burned out on the old, tired ways of doing it. With the pandemic in the rear view mirror, it’s time to get network marketing back to the face to face, relationship driven example the industry thrives on.

One of the powerful tools Arieyl’s Rockstars