QNET Launches Direct Selling Disinformation Centre

QNET, an award-winning direct selling company headquartered in Hong Kong, has announced the launch of the Direct Selling Disinformation Center (DSDC) to combat the proliferation of disinformation and misinformation about the direct selling industry and its brand.
The Centre will work across the direct selling industry to ensure best practices are followed, including transparency, realistic expectations of partners, and accurate product descriptions and claims.
At the same time, the DSDC will collaborate with relevant stakeholders in government and trade bodies, and regulators, to educate them about the business model, its potential, and its impact on the economy.
In the initial phase, the DSDC will have a real-time incident reporting function that will allow anyone in the world to raise a red flag if QNET’s business, products or opportunities are misrepresented as an investment scheme or promoted through improper sales tactics, including on social media.
The objective in the longer term is to scale the DSDC to make it available to other companies in the industry.

According to Trevor Kuna, Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer of QNET,
“Direct selling is a well-established and strictly regulated industry in many advanced economies. In the US, for example, the business model originated over 100 years ago, and it’s regulated by the Federal Trade


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