Monthly Archives: October 2022

iX Global Projects $500 Million In Sales For 2023

According to an iX Global press release:
Recently top leaders from around the world gathered in Barcelona for iX Global’s second Awaken incentive trip of 2022. From October 14th to the 18th the incentive trip award earners explored the city, exchanged ideas with iX Global executive staff and top leaders, and danced the night away on multiple occasions.
iX Global has been on an incredible trajectory since its inception in May of 2020, generating over $4 million dollars of sales during that pandemic stricken year.
In 2021 the growth continued with iX Global exceeding $22 million in revenue during its first full calendar year.
2022 has seen iX Global continue its meteoric rise by reaching $100 million in sales revenues by late September, just in time to celebrate at this Awaken Barcelona event.
As iX Global has been expanding rapidly all over the globe in 2022, this was the first opportunity for many of the top iX leaders to meet each other and members of the corporate staff as well.
On top of being able to explore the magical city of Barcelona and its treasures such as Sagrada Familia and Parc Guell, attendees had the chance to hear from Top 100 Industry Income Earners such as