Monthly Archives: October 2022

ByDzyne’s David Lemos from Colombia Achieves 1-Star President

Adding to its list of talented rising stars, ByDzyne’s David Lemos from Colombia has become the company’s latest 1-Star President and up-and-coming leader from Latin America. 
* A President generates over $200,000 in sales revenue during a half-a-month span. 
David, who resides in Tuluá Valle, a major industrial and commercial center in Colombia, interestingly previously worked for a few years as a formula analyst for Colombina, one of the country’s largest candy companies.
Hungry for a better life for himself and his family, David stumbled upon network marketing in 2020 and his life has changed ever since. While he’s fiddled with a few different companies, it was clear to him that ByDzyne was set apart from the field.  
“From the very beginning, Bydzyne’s vision was colored by its core values.
God first, family second, business third and that was what made me identify with the company because I come from a Christian family that loves God, and here at ByDzyne I knew I could build long-term.
Time has passed and I see that it’s better than what I even dreamed for! I would like to thank all of the executive team for creating ByDzyne; it has changed my life and thousands of other families


El colombiano David Lemos de ByDzyne consigue ser Presidente 1-Estrella

El colombiano David Lemos, de ByDzyne, se ha convertido en el último Presidente 1-Estrella de la compañía y en un líder prometedor de América Latina. 
* Un Presidente genera más de 200.000 dólares en facturación durante un periodo de medio mes. 
David, que reside en Tuluá Valle, un importante centro industrial y comercial de Colombia, curiosamente trabajó antes durante unos años como analista de fórmulas para Colombina, una de las mayores empresas de dulces del país.
Hambriento de una vida mejor para él y su familia, David se encontró con las redes de mercadeo en 2020 y su vida ha cambiado desde entonces. Aunque ha estado ligado a diferentes empresas, tenía claro que ByDzyne se diferenciaba del resto.  
“Desde el principio, la visión de ByDzyne estuvo marcada por sus valores fundamentales.
Dios primero, la familia después, el negocio en tercer lugar, y eso fue lo que me hizo identificarme con la empresa porque vengo de una familia cristiana que ama a Dios, y aquí en ByDzyne sabía que podía construir a largo plazo.
El tiempo ha pasado y veo que es mejor de lo que había soñado. Me gustaría dar las gracias a todo el equipo ejecutivo por haber creado ByDzyne; ha cambiado


Validus Welcomes BFH’s Triple-A Rating In Their First Year of Operation

According to a Validus press release:
Due to the highly effective growth of the company and the rapid results achievable by all members, Validus has been recognised as the only MLM company in the last five years to reach a $100 million turnover within its first year of operation.
In less than a year, Validus has introduced the world to new and vital ways of forming a worldwide community and sharing financial benefits.
The Validus leadership team have dedicated themselves to the expansion of ethically led training leading to personal economic growth and forex trading excellence. In addition, it has opened its door to new members from around the globe, adding value to their lives and helping them work towards financial independence.
Validus’ primary function is to educate people who are underserved by financial institutions globally. Financial literacy provides a strong foundation for individuals to take control of their personal economy and work towards a better future.
Validus specialises in providing online educational content, specifically in foreign exchange, and has plans to expand into other subject areas.
Following a momentous early development period, Validus is already being recognised for some highly noteworthy achievements.
Validus Founders
Turnover isn’t the only thing turning heads. Validus has also demonstrated how to


Plexus Worldwide Appoints Gene Tipps As CEO

Plexus Worldwide has appointed Gene Tipps to be the health and wellness company’s new Chief Executive Officer, effective October 3, 2022. Founders Tarl Robinson and Alec Clark will shift into new roles with the launch of a new strategic council.
Robinson transitioned from his role as CEO at the end of September while Clark will remain on until early 2023, ensuring a smooth changeover.
Tipps joined Plexus® in 2018 as Chief Operating Officer. He was the driving force behind the delivery of over 30 new products and expanded Plexus Worldwide’s reach into new and emerging markets.
Last year, Tipps was promoted to President of Global Operations, overseeing all areas of the company’s operations and information technology at both domestic and international levels. He has played a central role in the development and evolution of Plexus during the last four years and helped the company navigate a global pandemic during one of the most challenging times for supply chain and operations in recent history.
Robinson said:
“I’m excited for this next stage in Plexus’ growth, Gene has been instrumental in Plexus’ continued trajectory to becoming a leader in our industry.
I’ve seen his steadfast commitment to Plexus and have been inspired by his strategic vision for the company. I


OmegaPro Announces Diamond Trip With Eric Worre

According to a OmegaPro press release:
“OmegaPro Announces Diamond Trip To Take Over Maldives For A Week Of Extravagance.”
To honor the extreme hard work and dedication put forth by the OmegaPro Community’s Diamond Rank achievers, OmegaPro has organized a luxurious Diamond Trip on the island of Maldives. 
To be headlined by Football legends, Bollywood superstars, OmegaPro’s Official Strategic Coach Eric Worre & more, between November 2nd and 7th, this edition of the OmegaPro Diamond Trip is all set to be the biggest event in the history of Maldives. 
According to OmegaPro, in life, celebrating as a team, as a family and as a community is crucial for success and well-being. It helps build and deepen relationships. For starters, it naturally bonds people through a shared positive experience.
Secondly, this time where team members can talk and get to know one another can help develop their relationships which in turn will improve team functioning. As people get to know one another on a more personal level, this will help them work together more effectively on a professional level. 
OmegaPro is a firm believer in dreaming big and finding ways to achieve it.
Although OmegaPro events are organized to honor and acknowledge the tireless work put


Javon Davis Reaches 500K Rank At MyDailyChoice

Javon Davis has been a top affiliate at MyDailyChoice since 2018.
Along with his wife, Candace Byrd Davis, the couple are Network Marketing superstars.
Hailing from a coal-mining community near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA the former police officer and married father of two holds a degree in Engineering and Mining Technology. Javon became interested in Network Marketing when his wife found prosperity in the industry circa 2014 before transitioning to MDC.
“I love the fact that MyDailyChoice didn’t box itself into one category, as it currently holds numerous different brands under its umbrella,”
says Javon.
“If you love wellness and weight loss—we have it! If you love crypto and forex—we have it! If you love to travel—we have it.
Once you pair it with a compensation plan that is simple but lucrative it’s a no-brainer”
Javon praises MDC’s Founders and CEOs, Josh and Jenna Zwagil, for building a company for distributors, by distributors, including technology for Affiliates built entirely in-house.
“I believe that MyDailyChoice will be that multi-billion-dollar company that is around for decades to come.”
MyDailyChoice congratulates Javon on reaching the rank of a 500K Affiliate!
About MyDaily Choice
MyDailyChoice, Inc., based in Las Vegas, NV, is the global leader for pure CBD products, the finest essential oils, exclusive


Olga Kulikova – APLGO’s Queen Of Creativity

According to an APLGO press release:
APLGO Events are some of the most iconic in the Direct Sales space. With the 11th anniversary of APLGOvaround the corner, we want to introduce the person who usually stays behind the scenes.
Meet our event designer, creative director and editor-in-chief of APL Planet Magazine, MBA, Olga Kulikova. In an industry dominated by women, it’s refreshing to finally see a female executive who un-apologetically is changing the face of what events can be.
Olga Kulikova:

33 years old
Married mother of three
Master degree in PR, three higher education degrees
Loves her family, traveling, reading, and animals

While it’s impossible to overestimate Olga’s contribution to the development of APL, here are few notable highlights.

In 2021 APL celebrated its 10th anniversary. The main theme of the anniversary convention was Space. This three-day event included photo-zones and various themed artist. Convention attendees entered a large convention hall that was transformed to look the inside of a spaceship in flight.

At one point our distributors they felt as if they were weightless as APL President Sergey Kulikov took off from his seat with six animators without ropes, cables and safety nets.

8 hours of an exclusive space show
178 artists, 350 tons of decorations
286 production team members
30 special