Monthly Archives: October 2022

Gerson Osorio From Colombia Achieves Diamond Rank At DECENTRA

According to a DECENTRA press release:
One of the most recent Diamonds within DECENTRA is Gerson Osorio, from Colombia. Gerson boasts over 7 years of experience in the industry.
He started out at a company that was distributing physical products and admits that that experience helped him understand the potential of network marketing and how exponentially the growth can be for every person involved, regardless of their situation.
Telling his story, Gerson makes a special remark on the attitude a newbie can have towards the business in terms of dedication:
“One of the most important mistakes I made when I started was thinking that I could take up this business as a hobby. Thankfully, in a few months, I understood that making it professional was going to make a surprising difference. It’s very important to be fully dedicated to network marketing.
I can also say that one of my best experiences is to see how in a short time the people who work with me improved not only in their financial, personal, mental, emotional state and radically changed their lifestyle, but I also understood that if you focus your energy, your time and your work in the right community you can fulfil the promise of