Monthly Archives: October 2022

Kristin Adams Hits Rock Star Elite Rank At Velovita

Velovita recently hosted their annual XLR8 2022 convention, and Members across the country gathered in Dallas, Texas for a weekend full of inspiration, top-level training, exciting announcements, and celebration.
For Kristin Adams, the eventful weekend was particularly uplifting as it came with tremendous triumphs and 2 much-deserved awards.
The Velovita Member reached Rock Star Elite while attending the company’s annual convention – a commendable feat only the most devoted have achieved.
Outside of network marketing, Kristin is a nurse practitioner by trade and has worked urgent care to intensive care and everything in between. Health and wellness has always been Kristin’s focus.
However, she strives to make an impact in all aspects of her Velovita business:

Impact and

When asked what it felt to hit this milestone during the company’s annual convention, Kristin shares,
“It was so incredible to see my team rally together. With the new product launch and exciting promotions, Members were winning and hitting their goals.
I was blessed to be able to celebrate the moment my promotion hit with the global master distributors Richard and Mary Amoedo in their suite with their family; A surreal moment I will cherish always.”
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
Kristen Adams with