Monthly Archives: October 2022

Neora Announces Dave Fleming as New Executive Vice President of Business Development

Neora, a leading provider of holistic, science-based skincare, hair care and wellness products, recently announced the appointment of Dave Fleming to Executive Vice President of Business Development.
Mr. Fleming has more than 20 years of experience in the direct-selling industry holding various leadership positions, including roles as President, SVP Global Sales, and Chief Sales Officer.  
Prior to joining Neora, Fleming guided global sales for two NASDAQ-traded direct selling companies and multiple international brands, including Norwex, LifeVantage, and Nu Skin as well as technology leaders in Silicon Valley.
His proven track record of success is rooted in his ability to unite marketing, sales support, and IT teams with field leadership, especially where technology merges with the core principles of direct selling. He also understands that a company’s overall success comes by helping one individual at a time reach his or her personal best.  
“Neora has always led from the forefront with innovative and forward thinking,”
Fleming said.
“They have endeavored to do things the right way, built an outstanding team that delivers world class products, and is positioned to be a leader in direct selling for long time. Our greatest strength is our culture and how we support each other. That is evident


Top Leaders Kara Estes & Kira Kramer Join Arieyl

Sccording to an Arieyl press release:
Arieyl’s thrilled to welcome Kara Estes and Kira Kramer. Less than a week in, this powerful mother/daughter duo, have amassed a team of well over one hundred people choosing tocome alongside them on this exciting new adventure.
Network marketing presented itself to Kara at one of Kira’s Girl Scout meetings years ago during a very transitional time in her life. Working in a new city as a human resources director, Kara’s heart longed to have more strong women in her life.
During that meeting, her eyes opened to the possibility of working for herself, surrounded by powerful business minded women, and the freedom it would gift her and her three children while she navigated healing from past trauma. Kara quickly found success and Kira was taking notes.
“I tried the 9 to 5 life but it’s just not in me. I got into network marketing as soon as I could because I grew up watching my beautiful mother and seeing her passion was just super inspiring.”
Kira said.
Four years ago, armed with her incredibly strong daughter, Kara came back to network marketing full time and their intense passion to help others turn “trauma into triumph” made them into a