Monthly Archives: October 2022

Grenell Stocks From Bermuda Joins QuiAri

After retiring from a career in the nursing industry, QuiAri Shooting Star Promoter, Grenell Stocks from Bermuda planned to travel the world.
Unfortunately, traveling on a retired nurse’s budget put limitations on her travel plans. She decided to give Network Marketing a chance to help fund her vacations.
“My first experience in Direct Sales was a bit traumatic. I didn’t know what I was doing and the company I had joined wasn’t very supportive.
I really liked the concept of it though and could see the potential for success. I joined another company and approached it differently.
I focused on meeting people and learning as much as I could about the industry. Through duplicating what other successful people were doing right, I became successful in the process.  I cannot stress enough how important it is to be in the right opportunity at the right time.
It determines the speed of your success. I joined QuiAri because they are the future of Network Marketing. QuiAri’s Founder & CEO, Bob Reina recently introduced the world to his breakthrough antioxidant supplements and revolutionary business opportunity and it forever changed how companies do business.
5-minute pay, a 100+ country product launch, free Promoter tools, mobile