Monthly Archives: October 2022

Rogelio Lopez From Mexico Achieves Diamond Rank At DECENTRA

Rogelio Lopez is an affiliate of DECENTRA from Mexico with relatively short experience in the network marketing industry. Only 2 years ago, Rogelio started out in the business together with his brother Jhonatan Lopez; both of them soon got a nickname “business brothers”.
“I started when I was 20 years old, not knowing that this profession would change my life. From a very young age, I always had in my mind the purpose of leaving a mark, to be remembered as one of the most impactful people in the world, through the values that my parents instilled in me.
At the beginning it was a difficult process: not many believed what I saw possible to achieve through network marketing. I received negative comments and lots of criticism.
That was until a mentor told me: listen to the people who think they are right, but follow the ones who have the results you want. If I were to start again, I would do two super important things: make the decision faster and believe it bigger.”
Rogelio joined the DECENTRA opportunity in its first day of operations. He outlines 3 main reasons that led him to this decision:
“It starts with its great corporate staff and


Diego Castrillón Achieves Diamond Rank At Zeta Group

Diego Castrillón, sports professional, independent entrepreneur, father of a family and husband, manages in just one month to become a diamond of the ZETA company. Thanks to his resilience, a new path is opened in the industry and he manages to fulfil one of his greatest goals.
“Before I depended on my clients, being a sports trainer I generated only $500 a month, now thanks to this type of business my income exceeds $40,000”,
says Diego.
Castrillón started in the world of Network marketing 4 years ago, without experience or results, encouraged by his wife Shirly Herrera, a professional in communication and audiovisual language, who began looking for alternatives to undertake. In 2018, they decided to take the initiative and in their first month they generated $600, since then they saw the great opportunity they had with this business.
Diego and his wife had an economic crisis, with debts above $15,000, no matter how long it would take, they would find a way to get ahead and overcome adversity. In their first year and a half they billed their first $50,000, all for their effort and dedication to get ahead together.
“In that year we settled debts, bought our first vehicle, pensioned our parents


Diego Castrillón Y Shirley Herrera Nuevos Diamantes En ZETA

Diego Castrillón, profesional en deporte, emprendedor independiente, padre de familia y esposo, logra en tan solo un mes convertirse en DIAMANTE de la compañía ZETA. Gracias a su resiliencia se abre un nuevo camino en la industria y logra cumplir uno de sus mayores objetivos.
“Antes dependía de mis clientes, siendo entrenador deportivo generaba tan solo $500 al mes, ahora gracias a este tipo de negocio mis ingresos superan los $40,000”,
indica Diego.
Castrillón inició en el mundo de Network marketing hace 4 años, sin experiencia, ni resultados, impulsado por su esposa Shirly Herrera, profesional en comunicación y lenguaje audiovisual, quien comenzó a buscar alternativas para emprender.
En el 2018, decidieron tomar la iniciativa y en su primer mes generaron $600, desde entonces vieron la gran oportunidad que tenían con este negocio.
Diego y su esposa tenían una crisis económica, con deudas por encima de los $15,000, sin importar cuánto iban a tardar, buscarían la forma de salir adelante y superar las adversidades. En su primer año y medio facturaron sus primeros $50,000, todo por su esfuerzo y dedicación por salir adelante juntos.
“En ese año liquidamos deudas, compramos nuestro primer vehículo, pensionamos a nuestros padres y pudimos independizarnos, aumentando nuestros estándares y estilo de


Nearly 15,000 Attendees At QNET’s Bi-Annual Convention In Malaysia

Surprise guest speaker, international tennis star Sania Mirza, grace the stage and share her journey to becoming world champion.
Direct selling company QNET will held its flagship bi-annual convention, V-Convention, in Penang from 7th to 11th October. After nearly three years of pandemic-related restrictions on large gatherings, the event is back as a place for the global community of QNET entrepreneurs to meet in person, check out new products from the company, reconnect with peers, and forge new relationships while bolstering the local economy.
V-Convention is the biggest event and tourism draw in Malaysia since it was last held in September 2019. A sector significantly affected by the pandemic, tourist arrivals between 2019 and 2020 plunged by a dramatic 83% while revenue from tourist spending decreased from RM86.1 billion to RM12.7 billion.
With support from the Penang Convention & Exhibition Bureau, QNET’s convention will boost international tourism arrivals and bolster revenue for the tourism and hospitality sector. Nearly 15,000 attendees will fly into Penang from different parts of the world for the five-day convention, generating an estimated economic impact of RM157 million for the state.
Malou Caluza, CEO of QNET, says,
“This is the largest physical gathering of our global QNET family since before the