Omar Salazar From Mexico Achieves Crown Black Diamond Rank At DECENTRA

Following the recent explosion of new ranks at DECENTRA, Omar Salazar comes to star in a recognition article on the Business For Home portal.
Just a couple of months ago, we featured Omar as he was joining the corporate team of the company as the new Vice President of Sales of DECENTRA. However, his field work continued on and his network remained active. Very active, actually, as Omar can now boast the newly achieved rank of Crown Black Diamond. Let’s find out how he has been able to combine both roles and what his methods have been.
“I have to be honest; it took me by surprise. With my recent and very important role of Vice President of Sales, I was so focused on working at the corporate level and with all the independent entrepreneurs in the field that didn’t even get to think about my own ranks.
But then, of course, it filled me with such great emotion, as if it was my first time! And even more so when you know that it has been achieved in the most organic way possible.
It means a lot to me. On the professional level, it is clearing the way for the new generation


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