Lisa Tolbert Achieves Black Diamond Rank At The Happy Co.

Lisa Tolbert says her passion in her Happy Co. business and in life is to help people. It’s also the reason she became a full-time brand partner with the company.
“I had nothing to lose by giving these products a shot, I had been struggling in silence for months and barely getting out of bed most days.”
Lisa says.
Lisa is a busy 52-year-old southern Minnesota mother of two teenage daughters, Sophia and Majia, and wife to Jamie. With all the goings-on in her life, Lisa says,
“I was a Momzilla, and the cycle of crabbiness, exhaustion and guilt was stuck on repeat.”
She wasn’t even a coffee drinker, but when Lisa stumbled across a friend’s Facebook Live, she decided to try them. The effects were immediate. In less than 30 minutes, Lisa felt more like herself.
“I ended up cleaning closets that day, and four-and-a-half years later, these products still work their magic.”
As a full-time Happy Co. brand partner, Lisa says she enjoys the top compensation plan along with impactful, affordable products backed by a money-back guarantee. “I love that our company stands behind the products,” she explains.
The Tolbert Family
Those products and her team’s successes have allowed Lisa to rise to Black Diamond rank in


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