Courtney Hatley Celebrates a Black Diamond Milestone with The Happy Co

Courtney Hatley describes herself as a wife, mother, sister, daughter and teacher. “One of my passions in life is being a teacher,” says the North Carolina resident who’s starting her 19th year in education come fall.
“I teach third grade, and I absolutely love it.”
Her other passion: Helping her Happy Co. team achieve success and reach their personal goals. When Courtney joined The Happy Co. more than four years ago, she wasn’t even a coffee drinker.
“After the first cup, I realized this was something I could benefit from,”
she says.
Aside from the appetite control and energy benefits, Courtney and her family are seeing the fruits of her hard work.
“This business has been such a blessing for my family and is one of the best decisions I ever made,”
she explains. Most recently, Courtney achieved Black Diamond rank — a longtime goal of hers.
“My amazing team and customers played a huge part in achieving that rank.”
Prior to becoming a brand partner, Courtney was praying for an opportunity to make extra money. So she dove into The Happy Co. and put her head down to make her business work.
“I plug into my team, my business and corporate calls each week, and I offer


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