Kayla Mote Achieves Black Diamond Rank At Arieyl

According to an Arieyl press release:
Arieyl is thrilled to recognize Kayla Mote for reaching the rank of Black Diamond
After thirteen years in the industry, Kayla Mote had always hoped and prayed that one day she would find “her place”, somewhere with not only the financial success she had seen so many others experiencing for years but also a place where her people could see it as well.
It seemed almost too much of a dream for that place to also be one where she could be 100% herself, where all her “quirks, talents and traits” would be appreciated instead of shunned, frowned upon or dismissed.
Arieyl gave Kayla the rare place she hoped for, one where all her dreams could come to fruition while allowing her to remain fully herself “to the core” and, for that, she is so very thankful to be where she is, sharing Arieyl with others and calling this company, made up of Lions and Unicorns, her home.
As a mom of two boys, married to her best friend, Shayne, Kayla deeply desired to break the generational curse of poverty she grew up in.
Her drive and determination allows the Motes to “unschool” their children, giving them a


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