Crowd1 Lays The Foundation For A Mega Growth Phase

According to a Crowd1 press release:
Exciting developments are in the pipeline
Crowd1, the world’s leading influencer marketing company, has laid the groundwork for an exciting transformation and growth phase. With a recently concluded, highly productive corporate strategy workshop as foundation the company will, over the next twelve months, transition from a historically successful entrepreneurial company to a highly structured and well-governed corporation.
These developments have sustainable and long-term development as the main goal.
A first step is Crowd1’s provisional membership of the Direct Selling Association of the United Arab Emirates (DSA UAE), a prestigious seal of approval that will see the company undergo a 6-month period of scrutiny prior to being awarded full membership.
There are further fantastic developments ahead, all of which will offer Affiliates great tools for growth and building their networks. Crowd1 will expand their offices in the global business centre of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and will open a new floor in October which will feature a high-tech hub for Affiliates – including a green screen studio for recordings.
The company will furthermore celebrate the opening of their first office in Asia, with a brand-new space in Singapore. Meeting spaces, a cafe, VIP area and conference rooms will be at the


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