Matías Piriz Achieves Presidential Diamond Rank at BE

Matías Piriz’s early years in the industry were far from easy. Try as he might, he couldn’t earn more than $1,500.
It reached a point when he could hardly afford to buy diapers for his son. In a last attempt to make it through the networking industry, he joined BE. That final chance at hope in a field he loved paid off incredibly.
In some sense, a third try at the industry seemed very risky with his financial situation. However, after studying the company—especially the “innovative, flexible and variable vision for a world with so many changes and an aggressive compensation plan—Matías knew it was the game-changer.
Today, he’s beyond grateful that he went through with it.
“Without giving everything, nothing would have worked,” he mused. But he knew he couldn’t take all the credit. “I give credit to my mentors because they are the ones who have allowed me to learn and rise in many areas of my life.”
In rising, Matías shared about the team he now leads and how much he values his journey with them.
“They are old and new school gladiators and visionaries, willing to give their everything to the field every day.”
Matías Piriz on stage
Matías also talked about the tremendous


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