Tara Rucinski Achieves Rock Star Rank At Velovita

Texan, born and raised, Tara Rucinski left everything she’s ever known at 24 to follow a life of passion and fulfilment.
As an adoptive mom, double bachelor’s degree grad, and avid wanderer of this world, Tara quickly realised the immense potential contained within the MLM space.
Sometimes a few setbacks put people directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to them – such as the case of Tara.
As a thought leader, Tara felt a connection to Velovita – one that would later turn into an obsession. When asked what drew her to Velovita, Tara stated,
“I am super passionate about Velovita because we have a comp plan where anyone can come in and make a decent income – even without building a team.
The products are incredible, and I lost 20 pounds on them, coupled with exercise.”
Being a 7-figure earner in the past with an extensive background, Tara is most excited about helping others through her story. Now, after achieving the prestigious level of Rock Star in a matter of months, Tara shared
“I want people to know that if I can make it, they can make their dreams come true.”
Undoubtedly, Roger Clemens couldn’t have said it better when


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