Arieyl $16 Million In Sales With 50,000 Customers

According to an Arieyl press release:
When you look at their product names, the labeling, the opportunity videos, even the picture of the CEO’s on Business for Home – you know for a fact, that Arieyl is NOT your mama’s MLM.
Kristen and Travis Butler burst into the network marketing scene in November of 2020, this time stepping up as CEOs with passion, conviction, and a courageous promise to disrupt and elevate.
In true collaborative fashion, Arieyl’s founders and co-CEOs, Travis and Kristen Butler, teamed up with a small group of family, friends and proven industry leaders equipped with a diverse product line, a lucrative compensation plan and an unique opportunity for those with enough faith to join them on a “Rockstar” adventure.
Arieyl quickly exploded with over 1 million in sales their first week in business.
Opting to produce proprietary formulated supplements over white label stock items sets Arieyl apart from the majority of their competition and has even challenged other world class companies to elevate their existing lines.
Since Arieyl’s conception, only a year and a half ago, the debt free company boosts over 16 million in sales, 50,000 customers and more than 70 stellar health and wellness products.
It’s no wonder that 7,000


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