Enrique Salazar From Mexico Achieves Crown Diamond Rank At XIFRA

Enrique Salazar is a network marketing professional from Mexico with 12 years of experience in the MLM industry.
He started his career as a mechatronics engineer and had been working in the traditional sector for 10 years, until he joined his first opportunity at a nutrition and wellness company.
Curiously enough, Enrique tells us that the person who invited him back then is now his colleague at XIFRA.
Enrique had been quite successful at his first enterprises; he was able to buy the car of his dreams and also won an Audi.
However, he admits that at important points, he lacked correct information, as it happened to him when he was introduced to Bitcoin for the first time.
“I found myself in the situation where I saw the price of $250 and only 12 months later, it was already worth $2,500.
That’s when I decided to research Bitcoin, and 2 months later, I sold my Audi that I had won, to buy BTC, but it was already worth $5,000. In December 2017, it was going up to $20,000. It was crazy and at the same time fascinating.”
In 2019, Enrique joined XIFRA by the invitation of Omar Salazar, who also introduced him to Jonathan Sifuentes, the


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