Five successful business ideas for 2021

Originally written by James Birch on Small Business
Starting a business in 2021 takes a lot of courage, persistence, hard work and imagination. The current economy means firms in general are struggling to hit their bottom lines, but the world still needs new business ideas, innovative concepts and people with the nerve to take the risk and try them out.
If you’re one of these people, you need to know that you aren’t alone in your dreams of starting a business. More than three-quarters of all businesses in the UK are single-person enterprises and self-employment has nearly doubled in the last 20 years.
With that in mind, let’s take a look at the most successful business ideas that we have seen in 2021.
>See also: One in five Brits say they want to start a business in 2021
1. Teaching online
The pandemic has created a significant demand for online education. As children couldn’t attend school for months, parents sought ways to boost their child’s progress. The government is investing a lot of money in tutoring to help young people get back on track. While having a teaching qualification is usually essential for working for established companies, you could easily offer your services to your network


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