Zoom tips and techniques when doing video job interviews

Originally written by Anna Jordan on Small Business
These days, the telephone interview might not go far enough in finding candidates. As a result, many employers have been turning video platforms like Zoom.
The advantage to Zoom is that lots of people use it and know how it works. However, you miss out on certain upsides in a video interview that you would get in a face-to-face job interview, like reading social cues and body language.
To help you get the most of your Zoom job interviews, let’s take a look at what you need to do as an employer before, during and after the interview.
Before the interview
The first step is the all-important preparation you do when planning your interview.
Provide instructions for your candidate
As soon as you decide a date and time with the candidate, send them details of how to access the meeting. If you have several candidates or plan to recruit for multiple positions, a template is a wise idea. Tell them where they can download Zoom (if they don’t have it already), making sure you include the link to their meeting along with the password.
Give them a phone number in case there are any tech issues on the day. Schedule


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