Non-essential retail and gyms to reopen next month under new tier rules

Originally written by Anna Jordan on Small Business
Non-essential shops and gyms in England will be allowed to reopen in the run-up to Christmas under the new tier system.
However, pubs and restaurants in tier three can operate on a takeaway-only basis while pubs in tier two can reopen if they serve ‘substantial meals’.
Boris Johnson is to make an announcement on new COVID-19 tier rules later today. These will come into effect when lockdown lifts on December 3 and most regions are expected to be put under level two and three restrictions.
There is a hint of good news for hospitality. The 10pm curfew is expected to change to 11pm. Last orders will be called at 10pm, giving customers an hour to leave the premises.
Shops can reopen in all tiers, along with gyms and places of worship. Recreational sports will also be making a comeback.
Cinemas can open in tiers one and two while the ‘work from home where you can’ advice will remain across England.
It’ll be a three-tier system as before. Restrictions of each tier are laid out in the table below:

How the new lockdown rules will affect your small business  

Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3

Non-essential retail to reopenNon-essential retail to reopenNon-essential retail to reopen



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