£40m funding for hospitality firms in Scotland – what we know so far

Originally written by Anna Jordan on Small Business
The Scottish Government has confirmed that there will be a £40m funding package for hospitality businesses affected but the latest restrictions.
“We have decided to put further restrictions on hospitality, but to offer significantly more financial help,” said First Minister Nicola Sturgeon in her announcement yesterday (7th October).
Details of the package haven’t been laid out yet, but we’ll update this article when we know.
What are the new COVID-19 restrictions in Scotland?
Pubs and restaurants in the central belt will be forced to close from 18:00 from Friday for 16 days (from 10th-26th October). They will only be able to offer takeaways.
This applies to the Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Lanarkshire, Ayrshire and Arran, Lothian and Forth Valley health board areas.
As for the rest of the country, hospitality businesses will only be allowed to operate between 6am and 6pm and no alcohol is allowed to be served inside. Evening meals can be served.
Licensed premises can still serve alcohol outdoors until the 22:00 curfew that was announced last month.
The rule of six still applies indoors and outdoors for hospitality venues.
Alcohol can still be served at weddings and funerals, but attendance is limited to 20 people. They must take


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