Monthly Archives: September 2020

John Tusa: ‘Risk and opportunity are different sides of the same coin’

Originally written by Anna Jordan on Small Business
Welcome to the second series of Small Business Snippets, the podcast from this episode of Small Business Snippets, I chat to John Tusa, author, journalist and one of the founding presenters of BBC’s Newsnight.
He shares his experiences of the boardroom and how risk analysis and cumbersome objectives can overshadow your organisation’s core purpose.
Have a listen to it in the media player below.


Investor and former Dragon, Jenny Campbell
Digital guru and investor, Sherry Coutu
Entrepreneur and former Dragon, Rachel Elnaugh
Businesswoman and Dragon, Deborah Meaden
Entrepreneur and The Apprentice 2005 candidate, Tim Campbell
Gousto CEO, Timo Boldt
Entrepreneur and The Apprentice 2018 candidate, Jackie Fast
Investor and former Dragon, Piers Linney
Investment fund manager, Nicola Horlick
Supermodel turned entrepreneur, Caprice

We’ve got podcast episodes from the first series looking at:

How one business owner’s mental breakdown caused her to see trolls from her past
How one entrepreneur hired a videographer to track their every move and build their business brand
How funding a business led one entrepreneur to stress-related alopecia
One entrepreneur’s first professional public speaking engagement
Adapting to UK life and learning English before starting a business
Securing seed funding
Finding the perfect head of customer care
Reaching a £1 million annual rate of return
Boosting client numbers from 30 to


3 marketing strategies for your small business compared

Originally written by Timothy Adler on Small Business
With both small and big businesses having access to basically all the same promotion channels, today’s marketing is more competitive than ever before.
The battleground for customer’s attention is online and every business has access to many different weapons it can use to engage its target audience. However, not all of the digital weapons have the same effectiveness, nor all of them are a good option for smaller businesses.
Let’s check out those that are, their pros and cons, and requirements you need to match if you want to run them successfully.
>See also: Small business marketing 101, all the latest tips in 2020
3 marketing strategies for your small business
Some businesses focus their strategy on a single channel. While putting all of your eggs in one basket can work, it’s a fairly risky approach. Having an eye on (and hopefully testing) multiple strategies is much safer.
Here are 3 tried and tested marketing strategies for your small business you can use to grow:
#1 – Running paid advertising on social media
A great incentive to run social media ads is the sheer number of people that you can reach with your ads. Instagram has around 500 million daily active