Small businesses and their role in efficient supply chains – Q&A with Logmore CEO Janne Juhala

Originally written by Partner Content on Small Business
Thanks to the advancements brought about by technology to manufacturing and logistics, any enterprise can easily go global today.
Even small businesses serving local customers and niche markets can now leverage supply chains worldwide. Yet, exciting as these may all seem, supply chains aren’t perfect. Inefficiency at any point in the supply chain can have a ripple effect and impact all stakeholders. Mishandling, incorrect orders, defective items, and product damage all contribute to waste.
Dealing with any of these factors entails costs. Small businesses, even with their limited resources, have to absorb part of the costs of waste. As such, effectively managing their supply chains is critical to their success. So, regardless of their spot in the chain, they must work on efficiency together with their partners.
We recently got in touch with Janne Juhala, CEO of shipment monitoring start-up Logmore, and asked him about small businesses, their role in supply chains, and how his company is empowering supply chain stakeholders to become more efficient.
There have been plenty of positive developments in logistics and global supply chains over recent years. How have these trends impacted small businesses in particular?
On the one hand, being a small business


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