How to re-organise your shop post lockdown

Originally written by Anna Jordan on Small Business
The British Retail Consortium (BRC) has outlined social distancing recommendations for shops once we start coming out of lockdown.
They stress that it’s the responsibility of the business to decide what social distancing measures they’re going to implement based on what’s appropriate. Business owners should also be communicating with colleagues to reassure them of their safety within their roles.
Measures suggested below should be implemented alongside safety requirements like the Health and Safety at Work regulations.
Social distancing in and around stores
Outside store

Limit number of entry and exit points into and out of store. Consider having separate entrance and exit points if possible.
Limit the number of customers in the store at any time. Assess the size of the store and its layout, this will enable you to calculate the number of customers who can reasonably follow 2m social distancing.
Consider whether temporary barriers should be available in case it is necessary to stop people joining a queue.
Place clear signage outside of the store explaining the social distancing measures in place that customers should follow.
Place markings outside the store to assist correct queue spacings.
Speak to nearby premises to work together to manage possible shared queuing areas.
Consider non-contact


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