6 hacks to improve your small business digital marketing

Originally written by Mark Wright on Small Business
The exponential growth of tech platforms has completely transformed how businesses communicate and engage with their stakeholders, where a strong online presence is now more important than ever before.
For small businesses, trying to compete with larger brands online can seem a daunting task, but, in reality, the growth in digital platforms has levelled the playing field, providing the opportunity for businesses large and small to directly engage with their target audiences in real-time.
That said, many small businesses struggle to find the time to implement a coherent digital marketing strategy or, with advancing tech platforms, are unsure where to start.
If this sounds familiar, the following small business digital marketing hacks are guaranteed to boost your presence and build your brand awareness online:
Don’t underestimate video
By the close of 2019, video will account for at least 85pc of internet traffic. This means if you aren’t creating video content to promote your product or service online, you’ll be out of the game.
Don’t be under the illusion that video content needs to be professionally shot. Smartphone cameras are now more sophisticated than ever before and provide excellent quality for shooting short soundbites of video content. To engage your


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