Monthly Archives: June 2018

Nerium International Announces Third Year As Top 20 Award Recipient From Direct Selling Association in U.S.

Global relationship marketing company Nerium International is honored to announce that it has earned the prestigious distinction from the Direct Selling Association (DSA) as one of the DSA’s Top 20 members for 2018, based on 2017 United States net sales.
The official announcement was made on June 20. Nerium joins as one of the youngest among an elite list of longstanding direct sales companies on their Top 20 list.
 “We applaud Nerium International and all DSA Top 20 companies for the products and opportunities they offer millions of Americans, and for the significant contributions they make to the economy,”
said Joseph N. Mariano, President of the Direct Selling Association.
“This is the third consecutive year that Nerium International has ranked as one of the most dynamic direct selling organizations in the nation.
We are proud to be recognized among many long-established companies in our industry, while Nerium celebrates its seventh year of business in 2018,”
said Nerium International Co-Chief Executive Officer Deborah K. Heisz.
Direct selling industry growth continues to be steady and strong across the nation, with an estimated 17 percent growth in U.S. retail sales since 2011.
Nerium International Independent Brand Partners exemplify the spirit of entrepreneurship, enjoying flexibility, financial freedom and work-life balance.
“Nerium International is poised