Monthly Archives: June 2018

Exports: the rise of ‘Brand British’ in the global market

British exports have never been stronger. The world wants what we’ve got to offer and the prospect of increased profits and turnover is too good for home-grown businesses to turn down. But with two in five UK businesses planning to enter a new market in the next six months, it’s a competitive world out there.
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How video conferencing can save money for small businesses

Video conferencing was once thought of as a technology for larger corporates only. It usually required a dedicated room and expensive equipment, for a start. Despite this, it was also often unreliable and the whole set-up inflexible with few opportunities for spontaneity. The availability of fast, inexpensive broadband has done much to change this situation.
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Here’s why small businesses should accept Bitcoin

It’s been 18 months since Bitcoin burst onto the main stage and stole the proverbial financial show. The invention of Satoshi Nakamoto waited in the wings for nearly a decade before it finally attained the mainstream mind and market share that seemed improbable from the onset. Now, Bitcoin’s value hovers around $7,000, and it’s joined
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