Monthly Archives: June 2018

Herbalife USA Sales Leader Numbers Down 50% Over The Last 5 Years

In the USA, Herbalife sales leader numbers have dropped by 50% over the last 5 years, to a level not seen since 2005 according to analyst Gary Milne in a long article.
The conclusions:
Herbalife has been under a lot of scrutiny in the USA since the FTC order went into effect on May 1, 2017.
While North American volume points declined significantly at first, the rate of decline slowed as the year progressed.

Herbalife is boosting the North America sales leader numbers with a newly introduced “re-qualification equalization factor“.
The number of North American sales leaders is down 50% since 2015 to the level not seen since 2005.
Over 20,000 sales leaders were retained worldwide in 2018 by lowering the re-qualification standards vs. 2017.
Government regulation in India has forced significant changes in the Herbalife business model in that country.

There is no description of this “re-qualification equalization factor” in any public Herbalife document. What is being equalized is quite mysterious and left to the imagination of the reader. Is it economic disparity, geography, inflation, exchange rates, import tariffs, taxation, regulatory, or some other weighting factor?
I can find no other use of a “re-qualification equalization factor” in any other geography at any time in the past,


Modere Named Finalist In 2018 DSA Awards

Modere, the first social retailer to create a safe and forward-thinking approach to overall wellness, today announced it is a finalist in the 2018 Direct Selling Association (DSA) Awards.
Launched by Modere in February 2017, Trim is a scientifically advanced body transformation nutritional supplement.
It was named a finalist in the DSA Awards under the Product Innovation category, created to showcase innovative, game-changing new products that leverage leading technologies to deliver clear, value-added features and benefits to both the company and its customers.
Trim is the first-ever combination of two leading technologies—clinical-strength CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) and Collagen/HA Matrix® Technology—to accelerate fat reduction, improve muscle tone and restore youthful skin for a sculpted, lean body.
Since its launch, Trim, focused on improving body composition, has contributed immensely to Modere’s exponential growth. Its off-the-charts popularity is largely responsible for the stellar growth report announced by the company at its annual convention this past February, where it reported double- and triple-digit growth rates in North America.
The company recently launched Trim in Europe and plans to launch the product in Japan next month.
It is an honor to be considered for this award by the DSA.
To be recognized for product innovation is especially meaningful because we pride