PM International 2017 Sales Up 37% To $632 Million Total Sales $2,735 Billion

“Incredible what you are doing!”, CEO and founder Rolf Sorg called the more than 3,300 sales partners present at this year’s German kick-off event from the stage.
“And in the year in which we celebrate our 25th anniversary!”
The 54-year-old founder and CEO of PM-International AG currently has every reason to be proud:
The PM Group report $632 million in annual sales in 2017 – an increase of 37.2 percent over the previous year.
In recent years, PM International has developed into a true global player, which not only achieved cumulative sales of $2,735 billion from 2010 to 2017, but also from Germany throughout the European market the USA market and Asia.
PM International is a Triple A classified opportunity by Business For Home, the Top Rank.
About PM-International AG
PM-International AG develops and distributes high-quality, self-developed and largely patented food supplements and cosmetics of the own brands FitLine © and BeautyLine © in the premium segment. The core competency of the company is the nutrient transport concept: the exclusive nutrient transport concept (NTC) always brings the nutrients exactly where they are needed, exactly where they are needed – to the cell level! From inside and outside.
In order to ensure a consistently high product quality, PM-International


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