Monthly Archives: December 2017

Older entrepreneurs: Tips for business success

When you think of an entrepreneur, what image usually springs to mind? Many would think of a young, tech-savvy student straight out of a top business school, embarking on a new innovative business venture. However, increasingly this is not always the case. In fact, entrepreneurs are now more commonly middle-aged professionals who have spent around
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Three team building ideas that have not yet lost their charm

Team building can be an important part of shaping your business. The better your team knows each other, the more productive it is going to be. Trying to complete important projects in a stressful environment where no one knows each other leads to more conflict than growth. You need a fun environment with no real
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How to switch off and still run a business at Christmas

With all the excitement and build-up to Christmas in full swing, business owners across the country will be looking forward to taking some well-earned time off before jumping into the new year with renewed enthusiasm. At least, that’s the plan. No matter how busy your business or how critical your role, it’s important to take
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The real impact of sleep-deprivation in the workplace

Alarming new research from bed manufacturer Sealy UK, has revealed the nation’s employees are turning up for work sleep deprived – impacting not only on their productivity and mood, but their safety. It is now spearheading a major initiative, appealing to bosses to take this often-overlooked issue more seriously. The awareness campaign is based on
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Is it time we ditched the traditional 9 to 5? UK professionals think so!

More than half (58.6 per cent) of UK workers believe that the traditional 9-5 is an outdated concept, with three quarters (77.2 per cent) admitting that they work better at certain times of day. This is according to a recent study from CV-Library. The survey of 1,200 professionals explored how the nation’s workers feel about
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