Direct Selling Business Model – New Generic Video Released

The Direct Selling Education Foundation (DSEF) recently released its newest video teaching tool, The Direct Selling Business Model: Cutting Out the Middle Man.
The new video was filmed live at the University of Texas at Arlington during DSEF’s Business Ethics Forum Campus Event.
Al Bala, President and CEO of Mannatech, explains the direct selling business model in a way that business students and entrepreneurs can understand.
“Eighty percent of the cost of a product in normal retail channel is in distribution. A large percentage of that is spent on advertising.
Direct selling cuts out the middle man by redistributing the costs of advertising and distribution to pay independent contractors.”
says Al.

The video was distributed to DSEF Fellows and is designed to be used both by direct selling companies and easily incorporated into a variety of university and community college courses, such as:
Marketing classes
Distribution channels courses
Sales classes
Entrepreneurship classes
Management, communications and ethics/reputation courses
DSEF’s growing bank of video content also includes the Ask the Experts series, which may be viewed on our Vimeo channel.
About the DSEF
The DSEF engages and educates the public about how direct selling empowers individuals, supports communities and strengthens economies worldwide.
For more information please visit:


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