Tupperware Rep Earns Third Company Car

Being the best at something in your city is a good achievement. Surpassing everyone else in your state is a feat few can claim.
But Stephanie Meester of Lynden, Washington, USA has reached unparalleled heights – she’s the only one among more than 100,000 independent Tupperware consultants in the United States and Canada to earn a third Mustang convertible for reaching sales goals earlier this year.
Nobody else in the history of Tupperware, which has provided food preparation, storage and serving solutions since 1946, has accomplished the feat.
The goals are based on Meester’s previous sales. For an 18-month period ending in January, Meester’s team of 75 people throughout the country sold nearly $1.3 million in products – tremendous growth since she earned her second Mustang in 2013 with nearly $700,000 in team


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