Monthly Archives: December 2015

Indian Direct Selling Grew by 6.5% to $1.18 Billion In 2014-15

Indian Direct Selling Association (IDSA) in association with PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry released the Annual Survey Report 2014-15 on the Indian Direct Selling Industry.
The highlights of the report are:

Gross sales stand at INR 79,583 million ($1.18 billion) in 2014-15 as against INR 74,722 million (($1.11 billion) in 2013-14.
The Industry has registered a growth rate of about 6.5 per cent in 2014-15 as compared to 4.3 per cent in 2013-14
Wellness and healthcare products contributed the largest share at a total of 42 per cent of the sales revenue of direct selling, while the cosmetics and personal care products contributed 34 per cent, homecare products, 11 per cent and consumer and household durables seven per cent.
While there is a 6.5 per cent growth in the direct selling industry all over the