Tag Archive for Towuanda Longo

Towuanda Longo From Italy Achieves Presidential Diamond Rank At BE

Towuanda Longo had been in the network marketing industry for five years while working as a metal worker before he began his experience with BE. He was fairly happy with life, but he wasn’t satisfied.
He always dreamed of something bigger, wanting to do something that could change people’s lives and make them happier. When Towuanda started with BE, it changed his life because he learned how to succeed in network marketing and help others succeed.
The World Started to Change:
“As a seasoned veteran in the industry, I have witnessed firsthand the rapid shift in consumer needs and interests from physical products to digital services,”
recounts Towuanda as he recalled that pivotal time realization. Recognizing this trend, he saw an opportunity to ride the wave of innovation and found the perfect vehicle.
BE’s ecosystem offers several financial opportunities to members, creating several streams of income under a single umbrella. The company’s products and services span various industries, all of which the members can tap into, including the financial market, immersive virtual world, and online marketing.
“This was BE, a company that empowers individuals to achieve financial freedom through its ecosystem of fast and easy-to-use apps. Before joining BE, I never would have believed that