Tag Archive for Top Income Earner

LegalShield Announces New Platinum Earner, Carlo Brown

LegalShield Announces New Platinum Earner, Carlo Brown: Achieving Platinum Executive Director is an incredible accomplishment, particularly once you surpass the first month mark.

We are honored to announce that Carlo Brown has qualified for Platinum Executive Director for THREE consecutive months. To qualify for Platinum Executive Director requires 4 Executive Director legs or 50 Personal Sales and 3 Executive Director legs or 150 Personal Sales. Having started his LegalShield career in 1999 while working at Costco and attending Howard University, Mr. Brown has achieved the $100,000 Income Ring and is a member of the Millionaire Club. Mr. Brown believes that as a LegalShield Associate, he is “help(ing) people reach financial independence and have peace of mind.”

As part of the Platinum Recognition, Carlo will receive the following rewards for three consecutive months of qualification:
Zenga Platinum


Top Industry Leader, Lee Nguyen, Joins Vemma

Vemma Nutrition Company is excited to welcome Lee Nguyen as the newest Affiliate to join the company.
Lee Nguyen previously owned a manufacturing and retailing business in South Florida. He joined the network marketing industry nine years ago. Previously, Nguyen earned a significant income with another company and now has decided to make Vemma his home.
“I made great money with my traditional business and I loved what I was doing, but I didn’t have a lot of time for my family,” said Nguyen. “When I discovered network marketing and the power of residual income, I was blown away.”
In his early years exploring the business, Lee learned from many successful leaders in the industry and was able to reach a pinnacle position in his previous company.  
“I am a big believer in the industry. It is truly a great opportunity for anyone who wants to get ahead. I have been blessed to reclaim my time freedom, and I am very grateful to be in a position today to inspire others to dream big and to empower them to realize their potential to change their life,” he said.
The Vemma brands include the clinically studied Verve® healthy energy drink and Vemma Bod-e®, a weight