Tag Archive for Success

New French Total Life Changes National Director Credits Company’s “Beautiful Human Values” With Her Success

France is a relatively new territory for network marketers, and many in the field have experienced resistance from customers unaccustomed to the MLM business model. In the past few months, however, Total Life Changes has seen a number of its pioneering independent business owners (IBOs) in France graduate to some of its highest ranks.
One of these is Cynthia Crosetti of Nantes, a 24-year-old single mother who just became a National Director. It’s rare for anyone to make five-figures in a single month, let alone a woman raising a three-year-old on her own, but that’s just what Crosetti claims to have earned in commissions the month she reached her new rank. How did she do it?
Like many TLC entrepreneurs in France, Crosetti’s path to success came through Mélaine Bernard, Europe’s first Global Director. Crosetti had previously worked with Bernard at another network marketing company and felt a kinship with her values.
“I left a leader position with a comfortable income at my old company to restart all over again with TLC. I was convinced that with the exceptional product range that TLC offers, I would be able to quickly develop my business. Seeing what she was accomplishing, it felt quite natural to